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Maureen Berry

Super Smart Dog Training

Supersmart Dog Training is owned and operated by me, Maureen Berry,  based in Edinburgh,  Scotland. 


I'm a full UK member of the ABTC (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), PACT (Professional Association of Canine Trainers) IMDT (Institute of Modern Dog Trainer) and SA Pro (Separation Anxiety Specialists) and now Therapy Dog UK 2023


Whether it’s basic training, a certain dog behaviour you’d rather live without, or professional guidance on how to get your dog training back on track, look no further. I'm a dog trainer and work with who struggle with other dogs or people. Dogs with separation anxiety or just getting loose lead walking or recall. I offer dog training classes,  behaviour sessions, basic training and home visits. 


I strongly believe in positive reinforcement. That is why none of my dog training or behavioural alterations involves choke chains, pinch and shock collars or physical reprimands. Not only do these methods cause unnecessary suffering on the dog but also breaks the bond between dog and owner.


My work focuses on wanted and unwanted behaviour rather than good or bad behaviour. For instance, having a dog on the couch may be acceptable for one person, but not for another. By tailoring sessions around each of your needs you can be sure to get the best out of your dog.

I was given my first dog when I was 12 years old this was not a family pet. Shep, a collie cross was mine. I trained him when dog classes were not athe norm. He came with me everywhere including out with me on my horse. I fed him, walked him, he slept in my room and my part-time paper round paid for his food. He was a great friend and my shadow.  I now have 4 so obviously hooked. Horses and dogs have been part of my life since. 


I continue to study to add to my  professional development 

Maureen Berry
You can request a dog assessment & training if you are already working through Therapy Dog 1&2 Workshops.
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